6 Steps to Follow to Start an Axe Throwing Party Business

axe throwing insurance

Ever heard of axe throwing, particularly an axe-throwing party business? Well, an axe-throwing party business is a unique and exciting way to celebrate special occasions or just get together with friends. It involves throwing axes at a target in a safe, controlled environment. Axe throwing can be a great way to have a lot of […]

Best Practices for Ensuring Safety in Your Axe-Throwing Business


Safety is of utmost importance for any business, and that includes axe throwing. With the recent increase in its popularity, business owners and operators take the necessary steps for the safety of the customers and staff. This article will provide best practices and guidelines to help axe-throwing businesses create a safe environment for everyone involved.  […]

Admitted vs Non-Admitted Insurance Companies: What are the Differences?

axe-throwing venue insurance

Are you looking for a new insurance provider? Well, if you are, you may have noticed that some insurance companies are “admitted” while others are “non-admitted.” What does this mean, and how does it affect you?  It’s important to know the difference when it comes to selecting an insurance company. Admitted and non-admitted insurance companies […]

7 Ways to Keep Your Axe-Throwing Business Safe and Sound


As an axe-throwing business owner, safety is your top priority. Ensuring that your guests are safe while they’re in your facility is essential to running a successful business. To do this, you must implement safety regulations that will help protect the safety of your guests and staff.   We are not attorneys and we always find […]